Casino 007 Montenegro

In the film version of Casino Royale James Bond and Vesper stay in Hotel Splendide in an unidentified town in Montenegro.

While there does turn out to be a Hotel Splendide in Montenegro, it is a concrete highrise rather than the neo-baroque design of the film. The real Hotel Splendide is located in Becici, on the edge of the Adriatic.

Casino Royale Armed with a license to kill, Secret Agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007, and must defeat a private banker to terrorists in a high stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, Montenegro, but things are not what they seem. TAGLINE: 'Everyone has a past. Every legend has a beginning.' Casino Royal was part of one of the movies with the most popular secret agent in the world - James Bond! They made a great promotion as for themselves same for the destination of Montenegro thanks to the appearance of the Casino Royale in the movie James Bond from 2006 named Casino Royale! You may also like. Later Bond takes on the terrorist financier Chiffre at a poker game in the casino of the imposing baroque Hotel Splendid in Montenegro. Again, there is no such hotel (although there is a Hotel.

However, if you’re looking to stay at the “Hotel Splendide” that appears in the film then read on.

The magnificent Hotel Splendide is in reality Grandhotel Pupp, located in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Karlovy Vary was formerly known as Karlsbad or Carlsbad and is the largest spa town in the world.

Grandhotel Pupp was transformed into Hotel Splendide in Montenegro in the Bond film called Casino Royale. Right after the arrival in the station in 'Montenegro' /Mill Colonnade/, James Bond goes to Hotel Splendide / Grandhotel Pupp /. Casino Royale 15 After earning 00 status and a licence to kill, Secret Agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007. Bond must defeat a private banker funding terrorists in a high-stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, Montenegro. Cast: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Judi Dench.

Grandhotel Pupp is a 111 room 5-star luxury hotel with spa, six restaurants and bars, conference facilities and, naturally enough, a casino, where you can play roulette, blackjack and poker. The original building dates back to the 18th century, but the hotel has been extended several times since then, all of which are in keeping with the original architecture.

Prices start at around €160 (per night for 2 people sharing a double room with breakfast).

There have been a handful of movies that dealt with the subject of casino gambling but none more compelling than the film “Casino Royale”. This is the very first feature film on MI6 agent 007, James Bond. This highly successful franchise started with main character James Bond just earning his 007 status. The movie sees the character go through several high action situations until he reaches the Casino Royale Montenegro in pursuit of his villain, Le Chiffre who is a supporter of terrorist groups.

Le Casino Royale
Depictions of casinos in movies such as the Le Casino Royale Montenegro are faithful enough to the real thing. The character of Le Chiffre is participating in a high-stakes Texas Hold’em poker tournament to be held at the casino club at Casino Royale Montenegro, with the end of using his winnings to establish a financial organization to back terrorist actions. The tournament has a $10 million buy-in which Bond pays. After losing his initial stake, he comes back with the help of CIA agent Felix Leiter and goes on to win.

Casino Royale Montenegro

One of the movie’s highlights is the last poker hand that was played at the Casino Royale Montenegro where the pot has risen to $100 million. The scene has been the topic of many a poker player and has been reviewed by film critics.

The Last Hand
For the poker game, movie producers hired poker expert Thomas Sanbrook to train the players and to make the match realistic. The actors were trained in casino strategy and behavior in poker matches. Hours were spent on this training so that the match at the Casino Royale Montenegro would be something the movie-going public can enjoy and not forget easily.

Casino 007 MontenegroCasino 007 Montenegro

The scene starts on the turn where everyone checks and the pot rises to $24 million. The dealer shows the river and starts the ball rolling. The first player pushes all for $6 million, which real life poker experts say is a bad play as the player only had a flush with paired aces. If he is called it will be by a player holding a better hand. The first player would have done well protecting his hand on the turn with a bet.

The second player holds a full house and he pushes all in. He may be uncertain about his hand but folding is not an option. He only needs to put 45 million into the pot to gain a chance of winning $30 million banking on the 1 to 6 pot odds. He knows he has to call. The third player is the villain in the movie, Le Chiffre is sitting on a full house with A-6 in the hole. He raised to $12 million to put Mr. Bond to the test. He feels confident that he has the best hand as he knew that only two perfect cards to make a straight flush could beat him.

Casino 007 Montenegro Casino

Of course, James Bond holds a straight flush and so he pushes all raking in a pot in excess of $100 million. In real life casino gambling, a pot of this size has not been pushed across a table, only at the fictitious Casino Royale Montenegro.

Casino 007 Montenegro Movies

To see amazing video clips online, please check out the Casino Royale clips which we found.