Feeling Suicidal After Gambling

  1. Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Losses
  2. Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Stories
RulesI've just lost over £65000 through sports betting in the recent built up, i have maybe around £10000 or little over, i recovered over £50000 last year and just this month i ended up losing back 50000 plus another 15000, i dont know how to deal with these losses, i want to get over it but its almost impossible. my head is spinning out of control and im feeling sick every moment of my life now. I dont know if i can tell my parents i've lost this much money because it would be a burden to them! should i be telling my parents about my huge loss? i don't want to commit suicide either because it would burden them also, i need any advice which would help, i want to avoid gambling ever again because its making me sick and been a waste of my life in the past year. Suicidal

Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Losses

Feeling suicidal is not a character defect, and it doesn’t mean that you are crazy, or weak, or flawed. It only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. But with time and support, you can overcome your problems and the pain and suicidal feelings will pass. I feel so sick and stupid. I'm 21 and started out matched betting with my student loan. Once I saw the money coming in I continued betting normally. I kept winning and I just saw £ signs. The amounts kept getting higher and higher, until I lost £700. I used the rest of my money (£1000) to try and win it back, and ended up losing everything. I now have only £300 to my name and no income.

Feeling Suicidal After Gambling Stories

The gamblers may begin to engage in illegal acts in order to have gambling money. They may turn to alcohol or drugs to combat the helplessness they feel and may experience psychological and social problems such as depression, emotional collapse, divorce, suicidal ideation or attempts, or arrest. Gambling researchers say heavy financial losses are likely to be one of the most important causes of suicides among problem gamblers. Problem gamblers often have substance-abuse problems and other mental-health issues, but debt has been identified as the factor most likely to push them over the edge.