Gambling Social Media Campaign

Gambling social media campaign slogans
  1. Gambling Social Media Campaign Slogans
  2. Gambling Social Media Campaigns
  3. Gambling Social Media Campaign Platforms

Definition: A social media campaign is a coordinated marketing effort to reinforce or assist with a business goal using one or more social media platforms. Campaigns differ from everyday social media efforts because of their increased focus, targeting and measurability.

Social media plays an important role in the marketing and advertising efforts of all industries, especially in the gambling industry. In fact, online betting companies have been extending its reach even to young adults who frequently use their social media accounts. According to research, their marketing efforts which include free bookie bets, have prompted fears. — A “Secret Santa”-esque gift exchange has been widely spread across social media during the holiday season since 2015. Are considered a form of gambling and that. Campaign organizer. The campaign was a resounding success, with stats showing that 2.8 million women (more than the amount that were previously lacking from social sports) had done some or more activity as a result of seeing the campaign, and a further 1.6 million said that they’d started exercising. Using social media for marketing is a simple and effective way to promote a casino. It takes a little skill, as is the case with everything to do with gambling, but the results are worth it. Bring in new players and engage old ones with the power of social media. Some common goals for social media campaigns include: lead generation, direct sales and increased brand or product awareness. Know the promotional rules of the platform you’re using. When choosing which platform(s) to run your social campaign on, be sure to if there are specific rules for running a promotion on that site.

Setting social media campaign goals

A socialmediacampaign should focus around a singular business goal, whether it's on Facebook or Instagram. Common goals for a socialmediacampaigns include:

  • Getting feedback from users.
  • Increasing website traffic
  • Directly driving sales

Goals must be discrete and measurable. Before a campaign, obtain a baseline measure of your targeted metric so you can track changes and performance throughout the campaign and beyond. Goals are shaped by the means, the message and the target audience. Different demographics also have varying preferences for socialmedia platforms, so pick the platform suited to your target audience.

Building a social media campaign

Gambling Social Media Campaign Slogans

Gambling social media campaignsCampaign

Before starting a campaign, have in place all of the tools for tracking metrics. There are several free socialmedia marketing apps which track shares, retweets, likes and keywords associated with your brand. Services such as HootSuite, Social Mention, and Addictomatic integrate with your social media accounts to determine who is seeing your socialmedia posts and how they're responding.

Gambling social media campaign slogans

Once a baseline is established, define goals and schedule a definitive timeline for the campaign. Having firm start and end dates is important, both for a) keeping costs and mission creep in check, and b) comparing performance pre-and-post campaign.


Social media campaign best practices

  • Action-gate - ask users to interact with socialmedia posts. Invite them to ask questions, take polls, provide reviews, enter contests and join mailing lists.
  • Provide incentives - give them a reason to provide information about themselves. Offer prizes, discounts and exclusive content in exchange for their attention and information
  • Make prizes relevant to the business if using a contest. For a t-shirt company, it's makes no sense to offer an Xbox as first prize in your contest (offer a year's worth of t-shirts!).
  • Proactively engage throughout the campaign - answer and address critique quickly and reinforce positive interactions with personal attention.
  • Promote across all social media accounts, even if the campaign is focused on one platform (e.g. Facebook).
  • Adapt the look and messaging of your entire online presence to reinforce the campaign. Include campaign branding and language on headers, landing and home pages.
  • Carefully monitor performance and adjust strategy if needed.

Gambling Social Media Campaigns

Next, check out our blog post on the 6 most effective types of social media advertising.

Gambling Social Media Campaign Platforms