3 Slots Left

War of the MultiversalsRules:Participants need 1000+ to join.Characters from Universal+ to Multiversal only. No Characters above PR Beyonder level.All. 3 slots left 1 Posted: Dec 20, 2018 2:08 PM Crouch, Burnside, and whom? 22 committed right now I say that because there always seems to be a flip or two. I know there were rumblings at one time that Callaway may be a possible flip too Ms. State, I am not sure if that is still the case or not.So either way if way if we are taking 27 we have five to six slots open.

  1. 3 Slot Leather Holsters For Sig P365

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In the past people marveled at the evolution of 3-reel classic slots into 5-reel video slots. They came as the new best thing and quickly began dominating the market because they offered more paylines, features as never before seen and such and most of all the spirit of slots rendered 3D. 3D slots have kept the same characteristics of standard video slots and have added more value both visually and play-wise.


There is still time for you to be in Lizhensk for the Yahrtzeit of the Noam Elimelech, Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk zt”l this Thursday. There are 3 slots left to join Project Mesorah’s 2-day Tefillah trip to Lizhensk and we will also be visiting over 10 other kivrei tzaddikim as well (including Reb Chaim Brisker, Sfas Emes & Chiddushei Harim, The Remah, Rimnov, Tzans and more – see full list in flyer below) in Poland.
The entire trip is less than two full days; the flight is leaving New York on Tuesday (3/26) late at night and you will be back in New York on Thursday afternoon. This trip was created for all who are in the need of tefillos and it is a very auspicious time to daven for all personal requests at Lizhensk during the yahrtzeit. (arrangements can be made to travel from other states as well)
3 Slots Left
3 slots left games
The trip will be led by noted Torah historian Rav Shlomo Cynamon shlit”a, Marah D’Asrah of Khal Bnei Torah of Flatbush, who will inspire with words of inspiration as well as biographical history on all of the kivrei tzaddikim we will visit. We plan on a full itinerary visiting the kevarim of many tzaddikim (see flyer below and attached for full list). To enhance the ruach of our time spent in Poland, noted musician Eli Levin will also accompany us as well.
Please see flyer below for full itinerary, if interested please contact Project Mesorah
EMAIL: tours@projectmesorah.org
3 Slots Left
Again, there are 3 slots left – please join this once in a lifetime experience!

3 Slot Leather Holsters For Sig P365

Looking forward to seeing you